Mind Running Free?..


Well it can be that my mind is running free,
but lets just say that im freeing my mind of
doubts and ideas which are fictional and those
which never prevailed. No, it wasnt me dreaming,,
nor me failing to prevail but just letting more opportunities
open my way. Yes it might be hard to deal with loss, and
letting go may also be an emotional trek, but its all worth it in
the end, as you always end up with something better.
A simple saying such as " 1st the WORST, and 2nd the
BEST" can be the little motivation to loosen your grip on
memories which should stay as memories and grasp
your desires on something which you feel might be more
satisfying, worth it and which will do you good rather than
the other.

How good this feels just letting thoughts which i dont want prolonging in my mind is unexplainable. I can admittedly say im feeling light headed, and i can prescribe this to all the stoners who go for the light headed effect. Only advantage of my strategy is you dont kill brain cells..and you have money left over for those dope kicks that seems to come out every now and then:) haha