Why face such..?


A flourish of new beginnings always seems to get you awake from your somnolent present,
Yet down the road, it all comes sprawling , comparing it to what "was";
A mind wandering of confused needs and desires, some seem close yet so out of reach,
Washing away memories open unknown paths & contemplation creates a head full of wrath;
Rushing two steps ahead moves you back further than you expect,
Moving too fast forces a lesson that..



Anonymous said...

I come from a land of poverty, flooded by corruption n dishonesty, open bribes is all i see, the governments say they got CHANGE in mind, but honestly i disagree!

how can i be patient to that?

but ur rite man patience is a virtue, momma told me from the age of two, nah jks, didnt knw shit when i was tht little.

but gud stuff. i like it alot!